• Amazon’s original name was Cadabra.
  • In the 1990s Amazon’s slogan was “Earth’s largest bookstore”.
  • In 2006, the company introduced an online TV and movie store.
  • Kindle e- book store was launched in 2007, and the MP3 digital music store in 2008.
  • Around 800 hardware and software engineers work at Amazon’s devices division in Cupertino, California.
  • Jef Bezos, founder of Amazon believes that the company is still in its infancy and hence the headquarters is named ‘Day one south’
  • The Lab126 Project – The 1 stands for a, the 26 for z.
  • The personalization team at Amazon are referred to as P13N – the 13 as per the count of letters in the word “personalization.”
  • The original Kindle was code-named “Fiona” after a character in Neal Stephenson’s futuristic novel “The Diamond Age”.
  • The latest in the Kindle series, the Kindle Fire had an internal code name – “Otter”.
  • n 2010, the average revenue per user (ARPU) for Amazon was US$189. This figure was eight times higher than Google’s ARPU of $24 and about forty times higher than Facebook ($4). Ebay had an ARPU of $39 while Yahoo had $8.
  • In 2011, its revenues were set to touch $50 billion in sales. To put that into perspective, Wal-Mart took around 33 years to match the figure (in double the time).
  • In a span of five years from the start, Amazon had revenues of $2.8 billion (1995-2000) compared to eBay’s $0.4 billion (1995-2000) and Google’s $1.5 billion (1998-2003).
  • In 2011, Amazon processed 35 orders per second during the holiday season.
  • in 2007, Amazon’s sales increased by 38% to $15 billion, but its profit more than doubled to $476 million.